

Walking through the airport this morning I caught a glimpse of a special Father-daughter moment and it melted me down a bit.  Dad had just come off of a plane and he was holding the hand of his little toddler blonde haired blue eyed girl.  Everything was normal until dad said a simple phrase “Do you want to run?”   The little girl looked up at her dad and smiled and then did her best version of an awkward little run through the concourse… I started smiling from ear to ear, and then realized that quite a few other people saw the same thing and they were all smiling too.  A cold hard airport concourse had just turned into a school yard for this little girl, but it had also transformed the hustle and bustle of the airport into a memory of a schoolyard for everyone who saw it.

Why did she run??

For exercise??  Of course not…. For a Race?? Heck no.  For a profit???  NO!  She ran for the sake of freedom, and it transformed her world and everyone else’s world around her into a better place.  Now answer me this… when was the last time that you just let loose and ran…. down a hill….. come on, I know you’ve done something impetuous in your lifetime.  When was the last time that you did something for the sake of freedom.  When was the last time you dreamed a crazy dream?

What were the risks incurred by the act of running for this little girl?

1) Well obviously she might fall. Yes, but she could fall walking too
2) People would see her.  Yes their is an inherent danger to standing out… we have to face our fear of being seen…. but come on man… do you really want to hide your whole life?
3) People could watch you fall.  Yes they could, but what if you don’t fall?

Have you ever considered what might happen if you chase your dream and don’t fail? 

When did we get so pragmatic?  So focused on getting work done.  Working so hard for our little pink houses…. trying to figure out how to get ahead and all the while losing what gave us hope, for the future and a peace for today.

Honestly I didn’t see what the end result of the little girl in the airport’s run was.  I didn’t care… the simple fact that she started the run gave me a sense of happiness that I can’t describe…. and a sense of hope.  It honestly changed my whole outlook on today.  Maybe that’s the reason that we should run.  Maybe if more of us would strike out on a path toward a dream that we’ve always had it would inspire more people to do the same, and before long we could change the culture to a more dream filled culture. A dream filled culture THRIVES.  Is America THRIVING today??  No… America is “getting by”.

I mean think about it… why was OBAMA so popular 4 years ago??  “YES WE CAN”  that’s why… 1 simple phrase that people believed in. I didn’t vote for him, but I had to admire the way his optimism set people on fire…. when he got elected I HOPED that he would be all that he said he would.  Why are people so frustrated 4 years later?  Mostly because somehow the “exceptionalism” of America has been deemed a bad thing.  Now we’re being told that the exceptional is BAD… SERIOUSLY???? Think about it… why did America become the super power that we are??  Because we BELIEVED WE COULD BE. Because we believed that we could rise up and lead the world.  That the lives of our children would be better than ours and because we believed prosperity was achievable?
Take a look at our country… ask about the current debt crisis and economy and they all say the same thing “hopeless”.  Well then I submit to you that we’ve already lost.

Moving on:

What is a characteristic that all of the richest people in the world share???  Optimism… the belief that in the end, they will achieve what they set out to do regarless of the current circumstances.  We could all learn from that couldn’t we?  Did you know that subjects who visualiaze making every shot from a freethrow line actually make more shots than the subjects that don’t?  There is an intangible quality that is impossible to quantify that makes you BETTER when you believe things like “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me”.

I want my son and daughter to believe that they can do ANYTHING that they set their minds to, but how will they ever believe that if I haven’t lived that out in front of them??
I want my church worship team to believe that there is no ceiling on our ability to lead the city of Clarksville and the world, but how will they ever believe that if I don’t exemplify the dreamer?
I want the crew that rides on the Building429 bus to believe that they can achieve any dream that they desire, but how can they believe that if I don’t chase crazy dreams too?

Hilarious isnt it, that the most successful things in my life were all pipe dreams!  haha.  People told the core group that started our church that they would never make it, and that they shouldn’t try… but they did, and in 7 short years our church has become the biggest church in Clarksville, TN with eyes on influencing the WORLD.  WHY?  Because 20 crazy people left the sure thing… believing there was more… and RAN!!!

Building 429 is still a miracle.  We were huge in 2004 with a massive hit song “Glory Defined” and then we faltered and people started chattering about how we should hang it up.  Perhaps the thing I am the most proud of is the way that my brothers and I got back up after getting knocked down so far and still believed that God could do something spectacular with us.  (HELLO….  “Where I Belong”)

Here’s the point of all of this….. 

I think by and large we dream way too small.  As a nation we need a new DREAM.  All of us.  I think even now I’m personally  dreaming too small.  So how can we dream bigger?  How can we start to practice optimism on a daily basis?  We serve a huge God and He can do all things right?  So why not YOU?  Why not US??

Some questions to consider:
1) What can I do on a daily basis to help myself get into the practice of dreaming big?

2) What dreams did I have that I let go of long ago, but are still viable today?

3) What proactive steps can I put on paper to help me begin to move toward bigger dreams and the HOPE that comes with that?

4) How can I exemplify the heart of a little girl running through the airport for my friends and family so that they will find the joy that comes with dreaming and believing as well?

My hope is that you will find the courage to roll down a hill with your kids, or dance like a fool at the park with your wife and enjoy the blessings that this life has to offer.  In the end dreaming is what keeps my heart satisfied… because without a vision, a hope, a future… what do we have??  Breath?????  It’s not enough.  “Sometimes it feels like I’m Breathing but am I alive?”  Great question…. RUN… you’ll find your life!

10 Reasons I’m STILL Married to my Wife

10 Reasons I’m STILL Married to my Wife


So I thought about my last blog and how many comments I got on it and realized that I didn’t tell the whole story. That blog was simply a way for me to tell you guys what I saw that made me fall in love with Cortni. Then it occurred to me that I was talking about 11 years ago…. What about the 11 years that have passed since. The miracle isn’t that we found each other, or that we got married… the miracle is that we’ve made it last as long as we have… and that we’re only getting stronger. That doesn’t mean that it’s not hard sometimes though. So I figured the best thing that I could do would be to lay out some simple tips from a man’s perspective that have helped keep our relationship strong… these are going to be VERY straight forward so if you want the truth… here it comes.



Anyone who has any kind of conversation with me knows I’m married immediately. Why, because they need to know…. Not only that, but when I talk about my wife, I concentrate on her awesome characteristics. Not the negative. The more I speak my love for her, the more I feel my love for her.


If you have a conversation with me about anything (other than guy stuff of course) I tell my wife about it. She is very rarely in the dark about anything that I am doing in my life. Any major decision is a decision that we make together. I value her opinion above anyone else’s.


If you are my friend go ahead and get used to me caring more about her and her needs than you. I make sure that I put her before anyone else in my life INCLUDING my family. My mom doesn’t take precedence… CORTNI does. My Dad doesn’t take precedence…. Again Cortni does. If it doesn’t fit into our lives according to that priority then it doesn’t happen. Finally… I stand by my wife PERIOD. If you think for a second that anyone in my life would poke fun at her you’re dead wrong. They know she is my world and no one would dare do it.


If you are a person who brings drama everywhere you go, you probably won’t be visiting our home a lot. It’s not that we don’t care…. We really do…. But in our lives we have found that drama perpetuates more drama. So we don’t allow people to have influence in our lives if all they ever do is cause/create drama. We serve those who are hard to love, and we go out of our way to lift those who are on their knees… but we don’t allow dramatic people to have influence, because we don’t want our children growing up in that environment, and we don’t want our marriage to fall into chaos as well.


That’s right… we do date nights…. We actually work out together in the same crossfit gym. We spend time dreaming about what our lives will look like in the next 10 years. We pray over our children every night and we talk about GOD in our home a lot. We watch and learn from other couples who’ve been married longer than us… our best example is Cortni’s parents…. WOW. Amazing. They read the bible cover to cover together every year. How?? They get up early and read together every morning before work. UNBELIEVABLE!!


We don’t let words go unsaid. When something is wrong we fess up… apologize and move on. We forget the mistakes that we’ve made when the conversation is over and get on with life. How could somebody be so arrogant as to KNOW they were wrong and still not apologize to their spouse? That person will be referred to as the “arrogant jerk I used to be married to” sooner than they know. You have to be willing to admit your failures in a marriage or your spouse will lose all respect for you and check out.


And all the CRAP that’s on it. If you think the bad stuff that you are staring at on your computer is ok… YOU’RE WRONG. Nothing could do your marriage more damage than looking at things you shouldn’t be looking at on your computer. I am a pastor and I’ve seen the horrible damage that stuff does. TO ALL MEN… you need accountability on your computer. . Which is why I use Covenant Eyes on mine. I have an accountability partner who calls anything weird into account… and you should to. It’s the same program that’s on Mark Hall from Casting Crowns computer and it’s awesome. DO IT NOW. BTW… install it on all of your home computers because it’s important to be aware of what your children are viewing as well. If you care at all, you will do it.

8) WE DON’T FLIRT (with other people):

That’s right, I said it… I don’t flirt. It seems kind of obvious, but this is a cardinal sin of a lot of relationships. You seek attention from the opposite sex and you get it… right? That’s what you wanted. I hear people say things like “aw, it’s innocent”, but that’s just stupid. Anything that leads you away from your spouse is not innocent. Stop the ridiculous behavior before you find yourself making a HUGE mistake. It’s like a venus fly trap… don’t go near it… don’t play games… is your marriage really worth the 5 minutes of feeling like a child again with some other person? NO it’s not… STOP IT. Additionally: When I walk through the mall with my wife I intentionally ignore all other women. Why?? She is the center of my world… and nothing could be more detrimental to her love for you than knowing that you’re staring at all the other women around you and not paying attention to her. I want Cortni to know and believe that she is the most beautiful woman in the place everywhere we go, that builds her confidence and self worth… and a woman with those characteristics doesn’t go looking for those things in someone else are when you’re gone.


I do not allow myself to be alone with the opposite sex for any reason. If I am doing a vocal lesson with someone on the praise team, the door is always open. “I’m a grown man” you say…”That’s childish”… you say. Maybe so, but I won’t be the person acting like a teenager and blowing up his marriage like 60% of the grown adults in America are doing every year. So you tell me, who’s more childish? If you know there’s a chance that the bus coming at you might hit you, do you : A) Stay there and see or B) Get out of the road? That’s what I thought


I spend most of my time trying to make sure that people feel valuable, not attractive… no, but important and valuable. There is a line there. When people come through the autograph line at a Building429 show I want them to know that I am sincerely thankful for their support, but I never cross the line and start talking about the way they look. If a guy is constantly telling my wife how good she is looking.. complimenting clothes choices or hairstyle… he’d better be a stylist or we’re going to have problems… because that is his attempt at doing what I should be doing,(ie replacing me) which is building her self confidence and self worth. Not cool for me to do either and therefore I stay away from it.


OK, ok… Am I saying that you can’t interact with people of the opposite sex… of course not. I’m just saying that everyone who reads this blog knows good and well when they are dealing with a dangerous situation. So it’s up to you to be man or woman enough to recognize the danger and stay away from those situations. Don’t even let yourself in the room if there is temptation inside. Don’t allow yourself to be tempted if you don’t have to, because we will mess up. We’re human…. So don’t even go down the path.

The truth is that my marriage is awesome, and as any guy who’s been married for any amount of time will tell you… I still don’t have her figured out yet… which makes it fun (and frustrating sometimes haha). The reality is that if you take care of your marriage and if you sow into it… it will become it’s own reward. The reward of being married to Cortni is that I’m the lucky guy who get’s to live his life in such close proximity to her awesomeness. The more I think about that, the more I am thankful for what we have. The more I guard it, and the more it grows! These are just a few thoughts that have helped Cortni and I have the successful relationship that we do to this point. If I were to stop doing these things tomorrow I promise our marriage would suffer and possibly fail. So these notes are for me as well. Hang in there, keep loving with the love of Christ and may we all have marriages that last until death do us part!!


6 Reasons I Married my Wife


Today I have been married for 11 years.  It’s been the most believable ride of my life…. I can look back and now and say that it is obvious that God has been with my wife Cortni and I the whole time.  There were really good times, really bad times…. and everything in between.  We have 2 beautiful children named Avery and Haven that have made our lives a million times more fun and though they have a tendency to wear us out… there is no doubt in my mind that my children are an amazing gift from God.  Today is a special day and right now I am on an airplane flying to Kansas City, while my wife and 2 children are on the bus headed to Buffalo, NY for a day in a water park together.  Which I begs the question… what the heck am I doing?  Leaving my wife on our anniversary.  That question brought me to a  better question… how did I end up with such an amazing, gracious wife who would put up with all of my junk??  That’s where the idea for this blog came from:

How did I know that I wanted to marry Cortni??

I watched her.  The first time I ever saw Cortni I knew there was something different about her… she had no ego at all.  She was playing volleyball at a church picnic with a bunch of youth and, as I remember it, she was focused 100% on them.  Laughing at herself, making jokes about herself…. she was the life of the party and she wasn’t even trying.  Before I ever laid eyes on her, her reputation had already preceded her.  Everyone at the church was talking about who she was, how cool she was, and how excited they were to have her as the churches summer youth intern.  The first day I met her I knew full well that I was in trouble if she was half as perfect as she seemed.  But that wasn’t enough for me.  So I watched her even more.  I watched her serve the youth of our church without regard for herself.  I watched her take them to the beach and then in spite of the fact that she was a dancer and was pretty much PERFECT on the eyes, she was modest and always wore a T-shirt over her bathing suit…. yeah it seemed weird to me then too, but I’m thankful for it now.  I remember that she served the homeless… she led bible studies… she made me feel really insecure when it came to my relationship with Christ… mostly because she was so strong.  The more I watched the more I knew that she was everything I could dream of… and then I really wondered for the first time in my life… am I a good enough man for a girl like her??  Then my prayers came simply to this…. “God if you’ll let me have just 1 chance with this girl, I promise I will never mess it up”.  So I prayed that while I served along side of her for a whole summer.  Over time our relationship grew out of a service to the Lord… that was the basis for our relationship.  That basis has served us really well through the years.  But if I could boil it down to just a few characteristics that made it obvious that I should marry Cortni I would say this:


She saw other peoples weaknesses and loved them any way.  When the option was available and just to be angry with someone she always leaned toward mercy… which as it turns out has saved my tail a thousand times since we first started dating almost 14 years ago


She always had an unbelievable confidence in God, His provision, and His plans.  When I would falter… she would not.  When I would lose faith, she would turn to the Word and remind me who He was (as it turns out, this has saved my tail a thousand times as well) She has always been confident enough to let me lead our marriage even though we both know she was the stronger of the two of us.


Cortni always had this unbelievable mother like quality to her.  This became obvious when I had my face shattered in a basketball incident at NC State.  This loving, nurturing attitude is what sealed the deal.  I knew it was hard for her to look at my face when it was swollen and bleeding and cut, but she did it anyway and she tended my wounds with a tenderness that only an angel could possess.


I’ve never known anyone more focused on serving others on the planet than Cortni.  She doesn’t have a BLOG to talk about all the “great” things she’s doing for the world, because she’s busier DOING them than talking about them.  My wife is not a self promoter… though she could absolutely dwarf many people, including me, with her accomplishments.  You guys will never know about them, but I promise if you get close enough to her, you will feel what I’m telling you now.  She LOVE’s people with a selfless love and she will receive her crowns in Heaven.  I have no doubt that I will even be blown away by the things she never told me she did.

Self Control:

She is not a talker… You will not hear her bash another person who she is having a dispute with, (which again has really helped me out again) on twitter, facebook, or in person for that matter.  She doesn’t have a dispute with me and then go talking about how horrible her husband is to all her friends… nope she calms down and then comes to me to talk it out ( and I always figure out that I was a moron!! haha) By the way that whole talking to other people about your spouses failures only breeds more of the same from them… before long you have 10 angry wives/husbands telling their stories which only breeds more and more frustration.  Stay out of that… that is a marriage killer.


There was always a resolve in her to see things through no matter how hard it got.  In everything she does, she WILL NOT QUIT.  She finishes what she begins, and that quality may be the only thing that we shared when we began our marriage 11 years ago.

These 6 qualities are just a few of the qualities that made me confident that we could make it through.  Every one of those qualities has come to bear in a major way in our marriage… and all could be identified before we ever got married.  Honestly people I could go on and on about her because there are a million other qualities that are amazing as well.
But what did she see in me… there are times when I just don’t know.  I am so thankful that our life has turned out the way it has… when she married me I was an out of work, college drop out, wanna- be musician.  OUCH that hurts to even say it…. but if I could guess what she would say… I would say that the one quality that gave her confidence in me was


My one good quality !!  She knew I was dead set that we would make our marriage work till death do us part.  I didn’t say “we’ll see” when we got married, I said “I do” and I meant it.  I was dead set that I’d stay by her side until I breathed my last breath, and that I would always do my best to provide for her and our family.  Every other quality that she had…. I didn’t.  I was the polar opposite to her in every other quality… Prideful, Arrogant, strong willed, big mouthed, selfish…. but there is good news for those of you out there like me.  WE CAN CHANGE!!!  I am so thankful for my beautiful wife and our wonderful family…. and I guess if I was writing this blog for anything I would admit that it is to  let my wife  know how much I adore her.

But in a world where the divorce rate is just as high in the church as it is in the secular world I wonder…. what if we actually looked for these Godly characteristics in the people we loved?  What if instead of diving into a marriage with a person based solely on infatuation we decided that we would begin to challenge status quo and build these characteristics in ourselves and the one we hope to spend our lives with.  If you’re already married to someone who doesn’t display these characteristics get on your knees and pray for them.  Pray that God will soften their hearts to His calling on their lives and remember… they can change!  That’s what the past 11 years have been for Cortni and I.  She’s just been whittling away every day, challenging me in ways that you can’t imagine.  Daring me to cry…. challenging me to love… holding me accountable to the word of God, in short, making me a better man.  You want to know if you’re supposed to marry the person you’re dating???  Do they make you a better man or woman of God?  There’s your answer… that’s what 11 years have taught me.  I’m thankful today, and I hope today finds you thankful as well.



From Hurt to Anger to Mercy to Freedom

From Hurt to Anger to Mercy to Freedom

Thoughts on Parents…. From Hurt to Anger to Mercy to Freedom


So I wrote this on an airplane from Manila to Detroit and after I re-read it I realize that there are about a billion sub categorical posts that could be written on the subject.  I’m not sure where this fit’s in my blog… I just know that it’s something that I have dealt with in my life and I have a special perspective on.  Please forgive me if it seems short, but the truth is … this could be a book easily.  Here Goes:

We’ve all got them… some of us have the greatest parents in the world…. some of us have absentee parents, and some have parents that they just don’t like.  It doesn’t matter which one of those subcategories you fit in, we’re all marked by our parents.  Many of us use our parents decisions to justify our own.  Many of us believe what we believe about the bible simply because I parents told us what to believe.  Our families are under attack from every direction these days, and the one thing that I hear the most when the topic comes up is the state of the world today could largely be blamed on bad parenting in the formative years.  I daresay you would have a hard time finding anyone who would dispute the fact that when one parent steps out of the house the future of that house comes into question very quickly.  Today it seems that the Disney channel is raising most of the children in the US… and if you haven’t noticed the characters on the Disney channel all share similar characteristics.

1) they are all rock star/ divas in the making

2) they are all rich

3) they don’t really do anything to earn the money they spend

4) they are all smarter than their parents

5) Most are at least condescending to adults in general

6) The adults are all bumbling buffoons and idiots that merely provide comedic relief.

Does that sound like anyone you know under the age of 18?  Hint: Go to your local high school or middle school and listen in the halls for 30 seconds when the bell rings.

Wow… how did I get on that rabbit trail???  I’m not sure but I need to get back on point..

Yes bad parenting is running rapid in the US… and the world at large… and yes a lot can be blamed on that… but there’s something else at play as well.

We get a choice on who we will be don’t we??

So your mom was a strung out druggie, and your dad was overly critical and crushed your dreams…. I’m so sorry you had to endure that… but YOU DON’T HAVE TO FOLLOW THEM!  The bible says that you are to honor them and respect them… (which can be hard at times) but you are your own person.  If you choose to let your parents define you then it’s largely YOUR FAULT when your life is characterized by similar chaos.  Why??  Because you have a choice.  You also have a built in moral compass that leads guides and directs you… for the believers reading this writing… you have the Holy spirit guiding you… but even for non believers, we do have a similar knowledge of wrong and right.  Let me break that down for you:

Drugs?  BAD
Hypocrasy?  BAD
Slander? BAD
Murder? BAD
Lying? BAD

Yeah we all agree on these things…. and yet we do them why??  Because I had a messed up childhood?  Yeah THAT’S STUPID.

I agree that a distressed childhood could lead one to have a greater proclivity to falling into such things, but we still have a CHOICE.


But I’m just bringing that up for you to think about… there is a greater choice that brings freedom like you’ve never known before that I want to discuss.

Did you know that you literally have a choice in the way that you choose to view your parents.  Yeah you do.  You can hate them for what they never were, and what they never gave, and what they didn’t do… and you can let that be your excuse for being an idiot… or you can love them for who they are… and stop making excuses for your ridiculous behavior.  Let me say that again.

You can choose to love your parents for who they are, instead of hating them for who they can never be.

Let me focus in here…. our parents are not God… we know that, but we still give them the seat of God… which sets them up for the most massive failure in the history of mankind.  You know what I’m talking about… what is it for you?  The moment when your parents broke your heart?  It happens to everyone… take a second and think about it…………

They broke your heart because they are JUST LIKE YOU…. HUMAN.  Freedom only comes when we put God in His rightful place…. the throne… (all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, and beyond imperfection)  and allow our parents to be human and love them through it.

You may be saying “Jason, you just don’t know my parents and how awful they’ve treated me”  and I’ll say you’re right I don’t.  I’ve been wounded by my parents just like you have… wounds that I thought would never heal, but how is it fair for me to expect my parents to be GOD.  To have all the answers, and say all the right things at the right times, to put up with me pushing their limits without ever losing their cool???  THEY WERE HUMAN and they did the best they could.

Maybe they didn’t understand that they had a choice to be or not to be a replication of their own parents.  BUT YOU DO!!!

Here’s the truth as I see it:

When you finally start respecting and honoring your parents for who they are and stop hating them for who they are not, you will finally be free to decide if you’re going to repeat their parenting process.  If you cannot bring yourself to accept that GOD is GOD and they were/are not, then you will repeat the process of chaos for the family that surrounds you now.

Sometimes life isn’t fair… I don’t want to diminish the hurt of those who have faced horrible things in their childhood and are completely scarred.. but I do want you to understand… that you do have the power… to repeat the offense and continue the chaos or to decide that you had the perfect example of who you will NEVER BE.  Your hurt may be something far worse than I can even imagine, but remember the foundation of our faith is that Jesus took the penalty for all of humanity so that by grace we could be saved.  He understands how bad it hurts… because you and I have hurt him just as badly…. His response was amazing and it brought freedom to the whole world. He had a choice and He chose to have mercy on us.  We should remember this when we are looking at those who have hurt us so badly.  Mercy is the only way to find freedom. The choice is yours… and when you begin to realize that your parents might have been a product of the hurt that they felt too, you will begin to find the strength to love the unloveable again.

I’ll finish with this:  You’ve got one life… you’ve got one chance to know your parents, to love them, to cry with them, to learn from them and ultimately to be at peace with them.  YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET TO YOUR PARENTS LAST BREATH AND LEAVE THINGS UNSAID.  Don’t miss it.  Don’t spend 20 years mad about something that you can’t change.   Decide to be different and love the unlovable as Christ did.  That’s how we turn our lives around… that’s how we turn this country around…. we stop making excuses and start loving the way we know we should….  but please… life is too short.  DON’T MISS THE BLESSING THAT YOUR PARENTS COULD BE NOW BECAUSE YOU’RE SO MAD ABOUT WHO THEY NEVER WERE.

Choose now to break the cycle.. and freedom will come.  I promise. It did for me!

Look forward to your thoughts on this one!!

Slow Burn Vs. Fast Burn

Slow Burn Vs. Fast Burn

The plight of many a youngster today seems to be the thought process of “going viral”.  Even my son who is only 9 is constantly talking about videos that his friends have shown him of animated stick figure cartoons that are getting millions of hits.  On my plane ride to Manila I sat beside my road manager, Josh, who is a bit younger than me.Therefore has a much different perspective on a lot of things in the world than I do.  He was mentioning that he had a friend that was in the middle of marketing a new record for an artist that has been around for a while and is need of a bit of a shot in the arm.  He and his friend apparently had been dissecting a bunch of viral videos on youtube in an effort to try to figure out what this artist might be able to do to capture the attention of new fans.  Of course that led to my road manager challenging me to find something cool that Building 429 could do that might go viral in an effort to continue to fan the flames of the fire that we’ve started this past year.  So I sat and thought about it for a minute and then challenged his thought process with this.

Of all the artist’s that have gone “viral” who are still relevant 5 years later? 
Should I really push all of my efforts to a short term solution in a long term game??

Well the first thing that jumps in my mind as it relates to artists going viral is the band OK Go!  If you don’t remember, a couple of years ago they came out with a video of them using treadmills to create this weird dance to the soundtrack of one of their songs.  Cool idea right???   Yeah but… where are they now?  In fact… what if they showed up to one of their shows and tried to just play the song that they did the video to?  Would it work?  I doubt it…. in fact I daresay that I’ve never heard another one of their songs and I wouldn’t care to hear anything they did… unless I could see the weird treadmill thing.  Which is what brought me to a question that stumped Josh pretty good:  Name one band that went viral that actually still has a career 5 years later.  He couldn’t do it.  After we mulled that over for about 30 minutes he brought one artist to my attention that is undeniable… Justin Bieber.

I thought about that for a while and then I posed this question…. would Justin Bieber be who he is today if he didn’t go WAY beyond the viral videos and get into the work of building a BRAND??  That’s an easy one right? The answer is NO.  The kid has been touring his tail off proving that he’s not just a gimmick.

I’ve heard Dave Ramsey speak on his show a lot in the past about the fact that there is no “get rich quick” scheme that actually works.  He goes so far as to say in several of his conferences that he’s never met someone who got rich quick doing any program that didn’t also go bankrupt long term.  What does that have to do with Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Etc.

There is no get rich quick scheme that will sustain you…. yeah sure you can create a buzz with you wacky video… maybe a million people will view it, but ultimately if they are interested in the video you made and not the BRAND of you… then you and your brand will eventually go bankrupt.   Oh and yeah you will be making the people of Facebook and Youtube richer while you go viral… I promise they’ll make more off of your viral video than you ever will… remember you uploaded it to their servers and therefore it’s theirs?  Their advertisers will pay them HUGE money for the video you made and got famous off of… but you’ll be famous for 6 months max unless you figure out how to catch lightning in a bottle again… making them more money again….. you get the point right?

Consistent creation of exceptional art might take longer, but it will also burn longer. is a well known blogger/pastor/influencer in my life and I’ve heard him talk about this even on a church level.  Churches that grow rapidly are also at a greater risk for rapid loss as well, why??  Well because people fall in love with the thought of the church, not so much the substance of it.  It’s new it’s fresh, and it’s cool… but sooner or later that runs out and you have to show people that you and the brand you represent is going to be relevant to their lives long term… not just when it’s fun.

Every person who goes viral on a social media will have to face up with the reality that at some point they have to actually put the work in too.  Yes you may be found on youtube, but you can also easily be forgotten on youtube as well….  Props to people like and for the hard work they’ve put in to back up their lucky break on youtube.

By the way… if you disagree with me on this feel free to challenge, but the proof is in American Idol.  How many people have been HUGE stars… I mean the talk of AMERICA only to completely disappear??  Well out of all the people who have been on the show these are the ones that come to mind as current successes:

Kelly Clarkson

Chris Daughtery


Carrie Underwood

There have many with 1 big hit…. but everyone else is having to get back to the reality of WORKING THEIR TAIL OFF to make it happen.

So here’s the point:  even if you hit it out of the park going “viral” you still have the whole “put up or shut up” moment waiting after you get over the initial success.  Me personally, I like the story of Coldplay, or the Foo Fighters, or Mettallica, or in our market…. Mercy Me, Tobymac, Steven Curtis Chapman.

I think we have a tendency to try so hard to find the gimmick that we miss out on substance that could give us a far greater edge than the gimmick ever would.


Long term substance always wins… and that’s what we as a church, an artist, and as people should be chasing.

“Viral” is just a way to be found… not a way to stay found… the question isn’t how do we go “Viral” but rather, how do we stay “relevant” as we create the art that we love so much.  Better yet don’t put a name on it… just create, get better, challenge the status quo in your field so when lighting does strike you’ll be ready to harness a fast burn in a long burn system.  You see “Viral” isn’t bad, it can be harnessed.   However, without substance it can also be your undoing.
