Jason Roy

From Hurt to Anger to Mercy to Freedom

From Hurt to Anger to Mercy to Freedom Thoughts on Parents.... From Hurt to Anger to Mercy to Freedom   So I wrote this on an airplane from Manila to Detroit and after I re-read it I realize that there are about a billion sub categorical posts that could be...

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Slow Burn Vs. Fast Burn

Slow Burn Vs. Fast Burn The plight of many a youngster today seems to be the thought process of "going viral".  Even my son who is only 9 is constantly talking about videos that his friends have shown him of animated stick figure cartoons that are getting millions of...

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Respect and Resolution

RESPECT and RESOLUTION   When we don’t see eye to eye with someone it’s always hard. Especially when that someone happens to have the power to make your life harder.  Think about it… what about those moments when there is a hard to love person in your church who...

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